Sunday, April 12, 2009

It's time for Time Warner to be broken up in little pieces!

TWC is an Illegal Monopoly and should be broken up like the phone companies. They not only are allowed to have monopoly Status by the Government, now they want to abuse the privilege by gouging its Cable and Internet customers. It is time for a DOJ Investigation into anti trust violations that have gone on for too long at Time Warner.
They are in violation of Sherman anti trust laws as well as the Clayton Act.
MCA was forced into breaking up in 1962 for doing the same things that TWC is doing to its customers.
The legal term is that they are “vertically integrated” and control the business with no effective competition.

Do any of you remember the promises of the new "Information Superhighway" made during the Clinton Administration? The public subsidies for infrastructure were pocketed. The phone companies collected over $200 billion in higher phone rates and tax perks, about $2000 per household. I urge you to go to this webpage and read about this massive Rip OFF.

If we do not fight these caps, we all will have higher Internet Bills and will lose control of the Internet to the big monopolies like TWC.

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