Wednesday, July 1, 2009

MN Epic Fail

Let's be real here,

Pawlenty planned in January to veto whatever bill the legislature worked to pass because he was not going to run for another term and wanted to up his credentials with the national Republican party. The Minnesota legislature worked reviewing facts and figures in order to come up with the bill they sent to the Governor. The Governor was already telling them he wouldn't work with them to pass a decent bill when he told them exactly what he wanted them to give him. This is not negotiating in good faith. This is mandating your personal agenda. This is dictating what Minnesota citizens would get without regard for the representatives that had been voted in by the voters of Minnesota. His unallotment takes away the rights of people who have previously paid taxes in order to have the programs and help necessary should they need it. Many people who have faithfully paid their taxes in past years will have the door shut in their face metaphorically when they go to apply for benefits that they paid to have available in times of need such as we have now with the economic downturn. This is a bait and switch policy that Republicans seem to favor. Get the money, put yourself and your friends in government jobs, subsidize your pet projects and then short the taxpayers.

posted by delephone on Jul. 1, 09 at 5:42 PM

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